The Golden Rule
Do Unto Others As You would Have them Do Unto You! This collage is a potpourri of life. United in a barn wood frame, which is lined with a French toile, are necessities of life - a shoe, a razor, glasses a belt buckle, keys, jewelry - joined by pieces of bark and wood.
Size 16” x 12” #136
Do Unto Others As You would Have them Do Unto You! This collage is a potpourri of life. United in a barn wood frame, which is lined with a French toile, are necessities of life - a shoe, a razor, glasses a belt buckle, keys, jewelry - joined by pieces of bark and wood.
Size 16” x 12” #136
Do Unto Others As You would Have them Do Unto You! This collage is a potpourri of life. United in a barn wood frame, which is lined with a French toile, are necessities of life - a shoe, a razor, glasses a belt buckle, keys, jewelry - joined by pieces of bark and wood.
Size 16” x 12” #136